"A collection of musings by someone old enough to know better"

Thou Shalt Not Forget to tip

Thursday was date night.

We donned our best heels and ventured to the "Grown Up" end of town; Where people drink cocktails full of leaves that come with little red napkins and your feet don't stick to the floor.

Little did we know that the "Grown up" end of town also contains Grown Up Oddballs,

Needless to say Topshop do not design their heels with sprinting away from possible serial killers in mind,

"Quick find a bar, he's actually running after us"


"Right this will do, get in there"

"That is a seventies themed bar, Im not going in there, Id rather die at the hands of a serial killer than suffer a disco induced death"

Despite this, our primitive "I will not die tonight, even if I am wearing my best shoes" instincts kicked in and our subsequent sprinting insured that we will indeed live to drink another White Rum Punch in Mojo's.


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